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Hyper-Rainforest [excerpt]

Hyper-Rainforest [excerpt]

“Behind every image, something has disappeared. And that is the source of its fascination. Behind virtual reality in all its forms [...] the real has disappeared. And that is what fascinates everyone. According to the official version, we worship the real and the reality principle, but -and this is the source of the current suspense- is it, in fact, the real we worship, or its disappearance?” Jean Baudrillard – ‘Why hasn’t everything already disappeared?’ “Hyper-Rainforest” is a large-scale sonic immersive sound installation / performance in the dark. It was curated by Micah Silver and comm...


Original environmental recordings done between 1990 and 2010 at multiple locations of tropical, sub-tropical and cold rainforests in: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, China, Costa Rica, Cuba, Gambia, Mexico, Myanmar (Burma), New Zealand, Paraguay, Peru, Japan, Senegal, South Africa, USA, Venezuela. Stereo (with original binaural mastering). (c) francisco lópez 2011, 2014 franciscolopez.bandcamp.com / www.franciscolopez.net Full piece / album digitally released on Francisco López’s Bandcamp site: https://franciscolopez.bandcamp.com/album/hyper-rainforest Previously released on CD (edition 300 copies) by “nowhere [worldwide]” in 2014.

  • Electroacoustic
    Field Recordings
  • 2011
  • 5.1
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