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ní nán

ní nán

The title spells the Chinese word 呢喃, which means speaking in a low voice and can be roughly translated to murmur, whisper, or mutter. Hidden behind the simple description of the sonic property, the word itself is often associated with a constellation of sentiments - nostalgia, intimacy, tenderness, to name a few. The piece is based on a studio recording of bowing the viola near the bridge with the strings damped. The composition draws from its rich expression, resulting from the physical effort implied in producing the sound, as well as the sonic oscillation between noise, tone, and silence,...


Viola source materials: Melia Watra (www.meliawatras.com/). With the generous support of Digital Arts and Experimental Media (DXARTS) at the University of Washington. Technology used: EigenMike em32, Ambistonic Toolkit, and IEM plugin.

  • Electronic
  • 2023
  • HOA, 5th order
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