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IEM - Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics

IEM - Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics

About IEM - Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics
IEM - Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics

The Institute for Electronic Music and Acoustics (IEM), founded in 1965, intertwines the advancement of the arts with research and experimental development. The IEM serves as a pioneering interface between science and art, between new technologies and musical practice. Research and development includes the fields of artistic research, signal processing and acoustics as well as computer music. The special infrastructure at the IEM allows for inter- and trans-disciplinary questions to be explored experimentally. The evolution of the arts is also furthered by the creation of new works of electronic music, media and sound art. Curator of the IEM track selection is Jakob Gille.


Tracks selected by IEM - Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics

SomaLeonie StreckerSoma
momentumVeronika Mayermomentum